Protect What's Most Important to You

Blue Shield Fire Alarm Division

Blue Shield's Fire Division can Install a new system with pull stations and horn/strobes, as well as monitor the water flow and tamper on your sprinkler system. We also service and can provide you with the annual Fire inspection. We will start with a walk thru and design of what is required by law. We will work with your architect for the drawings to be submitted to the local Fire Marshal, and will coordinate whatever is needed for approval before beginning installation.

Salesforce for Fire Alarms

Our salesforce that will be working with you have all been through extensive training on the design and function of Fire systems. Unlike other divisions with customer choices, Fire is all about knowing the NFPAA National fire code and the local twist that they are allowed to put on all companies installing Fire. We pride our company in getting it right the first time and will work with you until the job is complete, and you are happy with the installation. As in all our divisions, the sales rep will project manage every job from start to finish and are required to show up to line the techs out at the beginning of the job. They will set up training after the install is completed to make sure you are happy and well trained on your new system. Overall, we feel you will appreciate the attention to detail that our sales person will provide.

Commercial fire alarm installation

Technical Staff

Our technicians that will be installing and servicing your system are the highest trained in the industry. Our lead techs have a minimum of 10 years of installing experience. Our lead techs have been trained and certified on the Fire equipment and design. Showing up on time, being well prepared with the attitude of doing our very best install for each of our customers is the mindset of our lead techs. The lead technicians receive profit sharing on every job they install and are the highest paid in our industry, worth every penny for the outstanding job that they do. All wires will be installed in conduit, in order to protect the wire.

Servicing and Monitoring

When you notify us that any part of your system goes down, then we will within 48 hours send out our techs to get your system back in working order. We answer the phones 24/365 and stock backup parts for all our systems. Our service rates are the lowest in the industry and we lock in your monthly with zero increases for 5 years at a time.

Our Administrative Department

Our Admin Department will always be there for you to assist you with whatever you need. From helping you with billing questions to scheduling your next cleaning. Great customer service from a company that sincerely appreciates you and your business.

Read What Our Customers Say

Kyna Espinosa

Blue Shield Security has such a great team and are very responsive! My whole family and I love everyone there so much and we highly recommend them!

Alyssa Lynch

Everyone has been so knowledgable and nice. The company's values and mission are great, love it. Lets go Blue Shield Security!

Kimberlee Van Ness

We chose this company for our home and got both cameras and an alarm system. The salesman and technician was very knowledgeable and did a great job! I would recommend anyone looking for cameras and/or alarm system to contact Blue Shield Security

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We Will Work With You to Protect Your Family and Your Assets.

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